01 Jan 2020


Empirical Software Engineering

Journal Paper Selected M. Alahmadi, A. Khormi, B. Parajuli, J. Hassel, S. Haiduc, and P. Kumar


M. Alahmadi, A. Khormi, B. Parajuli, J. Hassel, S. Haiduc, and P. Kumar
Journal Paper Selected
01 May 2020

UIScreens: Extracting user interface screens from mobile programming video tutorials

Proceedings of the 28th ACM Joint Meeting on European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering

Conferences Selected M. Alahmadi, A. Tayeb, A. Khormi, E. Parra, and S. Haiduc

UIScreens: Extracting user interface screens from mobile programming video tutorials

M. Alahmadi, A. Tayeb, A. Khormi, E. Parra, and S. Haiduc
Conferences Selected
05 Jun 2020

A study on the accuracy of ocr engines for source code transcription from programming screencasts

Proceedings of the 17th IEEE/ACM Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories

Conferences A. Khormi, M. Alahmadi, and S. Haiduc

A study on the accuracy of ocr engines for source code transcription from programming screencasts

A. Khormi, M. Alahmadi, and S. Haiduc
About The Publication

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dignissim nulla tellus, sed pellentesque libero pellentesque et. Donec nec sem mattis, suscipit ligula id, porttitor tortor. Maecenas sed egestas odio, vitae euismod nulla. Duis viverra blandit mi quis rhoncus. Aenean vitae turpis et tortor elementum blandit

05 Jan 2018

Accurately predicting the location of code fragments in programming video tutorials using deep learning

Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Predictive Models and Data Analytics in Software Engineering

Journal Paper M. Alahmadi, J. Hassel, B. Parajuli, S. Haiduc, and P. Kumar

Accurately predicting the location of code fragments in programming video tutorials using deep learning

M. Alahmadi, J. Hassel, B. Parajuli, S. Haiduc, and P. Kumar
Journal Paper
20 Jan 2020

UI screens identification and extraction from mobile programming screencasts

Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Program Comprehension

Conferences M. Alahmadi, A. Khormi, and S. Haiduc

UI screens identification and extraction from mobile programming screencasts

M. Alahmadi, A. Khormi, and S. Haiduc
23 Feb 2025

GUI-focused overviews of mobile development videos

Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering

Conferences Selected M. Alahmadi, A. Khormi, and S. Haiduc

GUI-focused overviews of mobile development videos

M. Alahmadi, A. Khormi, and S. Haiduc
Conferences Selected
12 Dec 2017

MAR: Mobile Augmented Reality in Indoor Environment

Tallahassee, FL, USA

Master Thesis

Theses M. Alahmadi

MAR: Mobile Augmented Reality in Indoor Environment

M. Alahmadi